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Updated: Oct 23, 2024

It's October, the harvest season for those in the northern hemisphere, and according to our Irish and Scottish friends, it is time for Hallowe'en. With some roots in the Samhain festival and a detour through the States, we know the doors to the' otherwold' open.

While we can't start any bonfires to nurture growth, we can go back in time and relive the physical culture of the 1980s.

On October 27th, we ask everyone to celebrate Halloween with us - I know Halloween is on the 31st, but let's celebrate on Sunday - by dressing up in the bizarre 80s physical culture clothing.

80s advertising for Jazzercise
80s advertising was a little strange, but Jazzercise is still going strong.

Inspired by JAZZERCISE—a real thing and quite popular even today—we will have a pretend Yoga-ercise day.

Bring your sock warmers and favourite bright colours and join the girls for slightly different yoga sessions and a unique soundtrack to your life.

You do not need any special bookings. Book your class on Sunday as normal and come in looking serious about your workout!

The 1980s had a strong physical culture driven by icons and very strange advertisiing.

You can see some of the advertising here:

You can see Olivia Newton-John's infamous music video made at the time for a better understanding. There are some real gems on YouTube. Try searching for "aerobic champions" for a mind-blowing experience.

The focus on physical culture in the 1980s reminds me of the physical culture that dominated the end of the 1800s and early 1900s, which is the birthplace of modern yoga. Modern yoga owes a great deal to the world's physical culture focus.

It feels like a good thing to celebrate on Hallowe'en then!


The girls had a blast taking photos for Instagram stories, so we kept the unmodified photos in a gallery if you want to have a look.

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