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Studio Policies and Code of Conduct

We encourage everyone to be aware of our policies and Codes of Conduct, as they influence your relationship with our students and us. We provide this summary for this express purpose. Our goal is to make it as short and as simple to understand as possible. 


Any instance where a student, teacher or employee feels someone has violated these terms, they must report it to at their earliest convenience. You can find more information on how to highlight an incidence below.


Representatives of Air Yoga ("the Studio") that violate our policies risk losing all benefits of association with Air Yoga and may risk prosecution by law.

If students violate our policies, they risk having their memberships cancelled without refund and access to all services blocked.

Studio Policies


The Studio does not share a student's information with any third party, except as ordered by law. When there is an opportunity for a student that requires sharing their information, we will first seek the student's explicit consent. 

We primarily use your information to contact you regarding the services you use in The Studio. We occasionally send news updates or promotional information and aim to keep it infrequent to avoid filling your inbox.


We use photos from the class and the Studio for promotional purposes and to celebrate students' achievements. We encourage you to celebrate your efforts. Please inform management if you do not wish to have any photos shared with the public or your fellow students.


We welcome, accept, and support all students regardless of religion, gender, sexual orientation, language, nationality, political, or cultural background. 


Within our ability to do so, we foster diversity and inclusion in all areas of Yoga while honouring the integrity of Yoga's cultural and historical roots. 


Teachers are encouraged to obtain appropriate training to offer accessible yoga classes.

Attendance Policy

We respect the time of our students and their dedication to a positive experience in the Studio. Classes and workshops will start and end at the time mentioned on our schedule. 


Our teachers must be at least 20 minutes early to prepare the training floor and help create a welcoming environment for students.


Students should arrive at least five minutes early for grounded classes and ten minutes early for Aerial sessions to set up and settle.


For your protection, you can not miss the warm-up. Additionally, to avoid class disruption, students who arrive late may be restricted from joining a class.

Booking Policy

Bookings for a class close one hour before it starts.

Bookings are only valid when using the online booking system, ensuring you have space in the class. 


Our teachers are not responsible for bookings or schedules. Students should direct all enquiries to our administration team.

Cancellation of a booking

The Studio closes cancellations of a class six hours before a class starts. This ensures that other students have an opportunity to join a class if it was fully booked.


Regardless, we encourage students to inform us if they cannot attend a class. 

Refund Policy

A student that cancels a booking using the system will immediately have their session limit refunded if they have a valid package.

Students who paid for a class without a valid package must contact the Studio to process a refund. 


Students who miss a class are not eligible for a refund, including students who miss a class due to tardiness.

If you repeatedly miss classes while on an unlimited package, we may revoke your package. 


Students who cancel a package must inform the Studio within three days of purchase to be eligible for a refund.


Once a student has started using a package, they will no longer be eligible for a refund.


Our payment provider processes credit card refunds according to their policies, and they usually settle within 14 working days.


Life does not always listen to our plans, and we will do our best to accommodate the unexpected.

Exceptional cases for package refunds

Any student physically incapable of continuing their training will be entitled to a pro-rata refund.


Cancellation due to critical illness, accident, death in the family will entitle the student to a pro-rata refund.

Cancellation of a class by the Studio

In the unlikely event that the Studio must cancel a class, all students will be entitled to a refund.


The Studio will communicate the cancellation primarily by email.

Financial Practices

The teachers of The Studio are there to focus on your learning and growth. Our teachers are not responsible for the Studio's financial or business affairs.


We discourage teachers from any financial involvement with students, including loans, gifts and business relationships.


The Studio will endeavour to support teachers in their business development as best as possible. We will engage with them formally in these matters to ensure we protect students' interests first.


Studio representatives will discuss all fees and financial arrangements in a straightforward, professional manner and have no interest in hiding any fees.


Harassment means unwelcome verbal and non-verbal conduct directed against someone. Air Yoga does not permit harassment of students, teachers or employees, by other students, teachers or employees.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is a legal term that means unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature in the workplace. We do not permit sexual harassment or misconduct by our representatives, teachers or students towards students, their families or other employees and representatives.  Additionally, we have codes of conduct that manage the behaviour we expect from our teachers and all representatives to protect students from harassment.


While harassment is a legal term in most countries, we include sexual misconduct in our definition. We expect professionalism from our representatives to ensure a welcoming environment for all that enter our house.

Romantic Relationships between Teachers and Students 

Yoga teachers must maintain professional boundaries in their relationships with students to serve the best interests of the students. The teacher's interest is not relevant: teaching yoga is about serving the student's spiritual needs and those of all the students in a class.

The teacher-student relationship involves an imbalance of power, and any appearance of exploiting this imbalance for the sexual purposes of the teacher is unethical. Even if the student initiates the relationship, the teacher must still avoid it. Teachers must highlight pre-existing relationships with management.

Policy violations

Policy Violations

Report any incidence of a policy violation to

The report should contain the following information: 

  • Your full name; 

  • Your email and phone number; 

  • The name of the person who the grievance is against; 

  • A description of the incident;

  • The date and location of the policy violation; 

  • Names and, where possible, the contact information of any witnesses with first-hand knowledge of the situation; 

  • Any other credible evidence that is available to support the grievance. 


In the interest of fairness and privacy, all reports must be made in good faith by the person who has personally experienced the misconduct. 


We treat information provided during a grievance report as confidential information. Similarly, any actions taken in response to the report will also be confidential. 

Due Process and Procedure 

The Studio is obligated to give a person accused of misconduct a reasonable level of due process. Because a person's reputation and livelihood can be affected, the decision-making process must be fair and objective. 


We may request additional information and interview all parties involved with direct knowledge of the incident to conduct our review.


After the reviewing body gathers the facts, the reviewing body will determine if the allegations are credible. 


We will not allow anyone to retaliate against any other person for making a report in good faith or providing information in connection with an investigation into an alleged violation. 


In many cases, it may be hard to determine the truth. Information may conflict, there may be conflicts of interest, and there may be circumstances to consider on both sides. 

Results of a violation investigation 

Once the review completes and a decision is communicated to the involved parties, the Studio will take action based on the severity of the violation.


Escalating in severity, we may:

  • give the person a warning

  • a temporary suspension

  • (disassociation) no longer allow them to teach with us, work for us or receive teaching by any of our teachers. 


A person with previous warnings will have the severity of action escalate. 


We will not publicly disclose the decision to anyone inside or outside of the Studio.

Additionally, if the violation goes against the laws of the UAE, there may be a need to notify authorities.


When engaged with third parties, we will inform the relevant parties of the instance. We will stop future engagement with the third party if the actions taken are deemed unsatisfactory.


Retaliation means taking an "adverse action" against a person.

The Studio will not tolerate any form or threat of retaliation and prohibit retaliation against anyone for raising a concern or participating in an investigation relating to any violation. 


Retaliation is seen as a severe violation and will likely lead to disassociation.

Summary of the Codes of conduct

The purpose of our Code of Conduct is to help our teachers and representatives serve in their purest spirit and to protect our students and community.


Our Code of Conduct embodies the yamas and niyamas of the Yoga Sutras, which are rules of ethical conduct that apply to all Yoga practitioners. 


We frame the Codes of conduct towards the unique relationship between teacher and student. We expect everyone who represents Air Yoga to follow the same behaviour: teacher, manager, bookkeeper, or mat cleaner. The expectation extends to our interactions with students, with each other or any part of our broader community. 

The public image of teachers and representatives are included, including social media.

Teacher-Student Relationships 

Teachers recognise the trust placed in them by students and the unique power of the student-teacher relationship.


We believe our responsibility is to ensure a safe environment where students can grow physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Teachers and representatives shall create and maintain a safe, clean, comfortable, and positive environment for Yoga practice.

To establish and maintain trust, we must be polite, considerate, and honest in our interactions.

We should listen attentively to each other, respect each other's points of view, beliefs and culture. Teachers shall not exploit the trust of students and their potential dependency but rather encourage students to find greater inner freedom. 


Teachers should not allow their beliefs and values to influence their relationship with their students adversely. Teachers shall avoid imposing their personal opinions on their students.


Teachers shall avoid dual relationships with students (e.g. business, close personal or sexual relationships) that may impair their judgment, compromise the integrity of the teachings or use the association for their personal gain.


Teaching may lead to physical contact with students. A teacher must receive explicit consent from students and keep their well-being in mind when using touch.

Teachers shall not engage in harassment, abusive words or actions, or exploit students. 

Teachers and representatives shall not engage in behaviour, comments, or humour that is offensive to their students because of sexual content or reference to gender or sexual orientation. 


If a student is not open to change or if a student's opinions seriously impede the process of receiving Yoga, then a teacher may bring it to the attention of the Studio. We will discontinue the teaching relationship if we determine that the student does not benefit from the Studio or the teacher and guide them towards an alternative to the best of our ability.

Integrity and Scope of practice

Teachers are committed to maintaining impeccable standards of professional competence and integrity. Teachers recognise that the process of learning is never complete, and they shall avoid portraying themselves as "enlightened" or "spiritually advanced."


Teachers shall cultivate an attitude of humanity and humility in their teaching and dedicate their work to something greater than themselves. We shall not abandon or neglect students. When teachers cannot provide professional help or continue a professional relationship, they should make every reasonable effort to arrange for instruction for that student with another teacher.


Teachers shall represent their qualifications honestly and provide only the services they are qualified and certified to perform. Teachers should avoid giving any personal advice concerning a student's personal life. 

Teachers shall not give medical advice. Teachers shall not prescribe a treatment or suggest rejecting a physician's advice. Teachers shall refer their students to medical doctors or complimentary licensed professionals when appropriate.


Teachers shall keep all personal information disclosed by their students strictly confidential.

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