Split Academy
Where dedicated practice will take you from any beginning to a full split without harm
+971 58 524 1156 for more information

Our Split Academy will prepare your body for side and front splits. While this class uses yogic principles, it is entirely focused on the skills you need to reach the split.
Creating a new awareness of your body, you will spend almost an hour building both the mobility and strength required. You will go through warm-up to longer held deep stretches, split entries and exit and finally, cooldown and closure.
Part of the principles applied is there to protect you from harm. We will never force your body beyond what you are ready for so that you do not lose time recovering, reducing the benefit of previous work or risking your responsibilities at work and home.
We strongly encourage you to pair this class with our Vinyasa classes. Dedication to a goal is exemplary, but like everything in life, you must have balance.


see results.

How to prepare for a split class
Wear comfortable clothes that allow extreme movement
It may be more comfortable to tie up your hair using a good hair band.
You will be doing extreme bends, so avoid any large meals before the class.
Stay hydrated without filling yourself too much before class
+971 58 524 1156 for more information